It's official! My boyfriend and I are moving in together in July. It is going to be such an exciting experience and huge learning experiment. haha. Any who since my boyfriend finally decided it was ok to bail on his current roommate to move in with me we discussed staying in my one bedroom apartment (floor plan to the left) for a few months and saving up some money then moving into a 2 bedroom place so we don't feel so confined to one space. I am the one pushing mostly for the 2 bedroom because lets face it I like my space and if I start to feel clautstrophobic then I get irritable.
So when Grant first brought up moving in together I emailed the management office at the place I currently live at to see what 2 bedroom apartments were renting for right now. It took a little while to hear back but they said the 2 bedrooms start at 825 and they have two that are available right now if I want to go look at them. I didn't respond for a while becasue that was when my boyfriend wasn't asnwering questions about what he wanted to do (having second thoughts on not living with his current roommate again). So finally after the talk we had this past weekend I felt comfortable enuogh responding the my management office yesterday and told them thank you for offering to show me some places but we are going to stay in my apartment for a little while thinking we could pay month to month until we saved up enough to feel comfortable getting a larger place. So they wrote me back and said great come on down and sign a lease renewal (for another year!).

So some of you may think that is plenty of time but I am totally the type of person who likes to have a game plan and things planned out a head of time so I know what I am doing. My head last night was spinning with, got to find a place to live, got to find enough boxes to pack up everything, am I going to be able to go to Arches on the 24th and 25th now that I have to move!!!!?
After I got through panic mode went to bed last night and woke up this morning I am ready to tackle this. Today I will be looking for apartments that we can go look at and I will just go from there. I did email back my management office and said "Just Kidding! Can we go see what you have available on friday?" They haven't responded yet but I hope they have something nice because it would be so much easier to move from one apartment to another in the same complex. The second floor plan above is one of the 2 bedroom floor plans at the place I live at right now. It's not too bad. I just hope the insides are decent. They are condos indiviually owned so the interior totally varries depending on what the owner has done to it or not done to it.
The one bedroom I live in now was pretty basic and had all it's original applinces. I posted pictures of it right after I first moved in last july if you want to see them. I have done some improvements though since moving in...Here are some updates: