Monday, December 29, 2008

Over Did It

Christmas was wonderful last week. Having a few days off of work and slowing down for a bit was amazing. Going back to work today was so hard. I do get to look forward to New Years Day and the friday after that off again. Which I am very thankful for. It's going to be hard to focus on the festival after this week. But I think it will get busy enough to where I won't have time to think about it. Just do, you know?
Anyways I have to tell you about how amazing my boyfriend and his family are. They totally over did it this Christmas. Grant and I have been friends for a long time even dated a little in 2003 before I went to school in Oregon and his family has always been so kind to me and welcoming. So this year now that we are dating again we got to celebrate Christmas together and with our families. Grant and I have exchanged gifts for the last few years but usually its just a shirt or a gift card nothing special. This year he and his parents went in together and bought me a frickin' wii! I could not believe it! They totally went over budget I am so spoiled. I am so thankful for their love. I am still in shock to be honest. Then Grant went and pitched in and help buy my mario cart. All the while my present for him still hasn't arrived yet. I feel so bad. That is what I get for trying to be technological. I ordered him a solar power iphone charger. He likes to watch the Green channel on tv and talks about having a Green house some day so I thought he would like it. Not sure if he does though. All he got to open on Christmas was a web site so I could show him what was coming.

Amazing... That is all.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

In Peace

I am never sure how to start posts. Some come more easily then others. This one is going to be especially hard... This morning on my way to work my mom called me to let me know my Grandmother passed away this morning. I can't say it was a surpise, she warned me this weekend that the nurses at my grandmothers nursing home told the family to start making preperations but I didn't think it would happen that quickly. My grandmother, is my dad's mother. She is an amazing mother of 10 children. Only lord knows how she pulled that off. I can't imagine trying to manage more then one child let alone 10! Unfortunately most of my life I have not had the pleasure of really getting to know her. When I was around 10 years old my grandma developed dementia and was never really sure of who my dad was let alone who I was. It was really sad to see but we would sit with her and make her smile. I have to admit, that even through these last few years she scared me a little, not knowing who I was. I wasn't sure how to interact with her. Of course I never stopped loving her, she is family. I think what has always touched me the most is to see how my dad and his brothers and sisters cared for her so much. The hardest part about this is not going to be loosing my grandma, because I beleive she is much happier now but seeing my dad is what is going to break my heart. Just thinking about it makes me want to cry. So I am sitting at work taking one deep breath at a time trying to hold it together. Rest in peace Grandma Adele. I love you!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Supporting the Cause

Warning: Political Garb. Read at your own risk.

The post election frenzy is here. The most influential result on my life so far other then Barak Obama becoming president elect has been Proposition 8. The sadness I felt when I saw that it passed out weighed any excitement I felt for Obama winning his election. I am not sure what the next steps are to fight the winning vote. I know a lot of movements are underfoot. Rallies and protests are popping up all over the country. Recently last Thursday one was held in my city. I didn't go because I had prior obligations but I heard it was just amazing from the friends that did get a chance to go. For the time that my friend was there he said the protest was peaceful and very meaningful. It is great to see the support for diversity here in a state so often overlooked and generalized by the historical majority. I believe in the freedom of speech and that everyone is entitled to their own opinions but more importantly I believe in basic human rights. Last Thursdays rally was a perfect example of US citizens using the gifts and privileges this country has given us. It also was a great tool in helping us continue to developing our rights. It still blows my mind every time something like this comes up that it has taken our country so long to be accepting of everyone in it. Freedom and equality for all? The foundation our country was built on still seems to be a work in progress, but I think it is an excellent goal to work towards. I think we need more peaceful protests and support for people trying to make a difference.

It does sadden me though when people with good intentions grasp at straws to try and get something accomplished. Instead of infiltrating and educating my state people want to boycott it and economically hurt those involved with campaigning for Prop 8. While the tactic makes sense from a general view it over looks all the good things that are currently in the works to try and expand people's minds. In fact it hurts them. Don't boycott Utah. Educate Utah.

Thanks for reading my half educated ramblings. :-)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Not taking it personally

How does a person who wears their heart on their sleeve not take things personally?

I know part of growing up is learning to deal with confrontational situations and move on but how do you know when its ok to let go and when it is time to press the issue. I know this is an on going lesson that will follow me through out my whole life but can I just say that I personally don't like it. Who does? I guess.

Work has been a transition the last couple months. My boss who hired me left and I have started working with my new boss who is great so far... It is just turning out to be a bigger transition then I thought it would. Not because of anyone person in paticular but because of a whole bunch of little things here and there. Responsibilities have shifted and the strong relationship I use to have with my old boss, the confidence she gave me, is gone. I feel kind of like I am starting from scratch but with the disadvantage of knowing what I use to do and adapting to the difference. I guess the knoweledge of jobs I have tackled in the past is an asset but when the same job comes up again and it is taken away from me I get a little sad and wonder why I am not the one doing it anymore. I know I should ask why the task isn't mine, or maybe enjoy the fact that people are trying to help and use my time for other productive things but it still makes me grumble a little. grumble grumble.

I also realized in this transition that I am not so good at being an authoritative figure. I crumble and speaking in confrontational issues is a major weakness of mine. I try to think of the best way to say something and my mind just stops... I take a breath and try and think through it and I still end up either confusing people or making it worse. GO ME! Lucky for me I have great support from a few friends at work and some very understanding co-workers. They have been helpful but I still feel sort of like I don't have an answer or am still sorting out how to best fix the confrontations that arrise.

Actually I would simply be happy with being able to deliver a clear conversation during confrontation not even necessarily a way to fix it immediately.

I don't know if any of that makes sense. I am sorry if it doesn't but I have always found I feel better about things when I write about it. So that was me writing about it. Yay for the end of the work day!!


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The place I work..

I have to enlighten you all about the place I work. I don't mean Sundance per say but more the physical location, Silver Star. Nestled up on the slopes in Park City, above the city golf course and down the block from Park City Mountain Resort there is a new development of Condos and office buildings called Silver Star. It is a beautiful place with a rustic feel. Getting to know the owners (my landlords, maintenence men, etc) has been a treat. They are two great guys who have all the best intentions but just haven't figured out how to juggle the construction still going underway, building new condos, a snack shop, ski shop, the bar and maintain the buildings they already have up and running. I have to admit my office is very demanding. I feel bad for how many times I have to call them to figure something out.
Today was one of the best. One of my co-workers came over to the main building in a huff wondering why one of the doors to the white building she works out of had been boarded up. Usually I give my staff notice when things are going to be happening to the building so this caught her and myself off guard. I said I didn't know the door was being boarded up and that I will come over right away. When I got to the building, sure enough there was a giant peice of ply wood nailed over the door. I had to investigate. Somtimes when it comes to building management and the things Silver Star does make me feel like a detective. I often have to trouble shoot what is going on and why. So I called one of the owners to see if he knew what happened to my door. His first response was that maybe they blocked out the door so no one got hurt when they were cutting down the tree outside but that he would check and get back to me. Then I was visited by the site forman, Jack. A sweet old man who wears a cowboy shaped hard hat around the parking lot. He came in to see what the problem was. After the details I gave him he went over to look at the building and find out what was going on. 5 min later he was back asking if we got any names on who boarded up the building. We didn't have that information so he then informed us what he thought. The door had a 1" gap in it between the door and the door jam so it didn't seal all the way when closed. He said the contractor who made the door came to pick it up to repair it and would bring it back today or tomorrow. So there is the answer. The kicker is when the building owner called me back he said that the contractor took the wrong door, he was suppose to take another one of our doors on an entirely different building. Apparently the instructions "the north door on the Sundance building" were not clear even though we have our name in big red letters above our building door. Classic. This may not seem that funny to you but after working in this environment for a year, and the things that I have experienced just add to the comedy. :-)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Summer is over and I bummed :-(

It is official. The air is cooling down and I am sad. It may not have hit the valley yet but up here in Park City the leaves are changing and the crispness is in the air. Mornings are darker and the evenings are slowly disappearing into the darkness. The tree out side my work window is a orange rust color and the mountains are sprinkled with oranges, yellows and reds. Fall use to be my favorite time of the year but after last years winter, the million feet of snow that we were lucky enough to get, I can't help but dread another winter. Winter was fun when I was five and was able to roll down the plow made mountains of snow in my front yard, it was even fun in high school when I went tubbing with friends on friday nights up on the golf course slopes but now that I don't benefit from school closing on snow days and have to forge up the canyon in my sturdy subie with the roads covered in slippery slush and ice I am not a big fan of winter. I know winter is part of living here and the first snow fall is always exciting but it seems to last forever while summer skips by far to quickly.
Enough grumbling....

I have to share with you guys a completely mind blowing story. Two weeks ago my boy friend was turning right into an apartment complex just off 1300 east near 2100 south, which is a very busy road, when the person behind him didn't slow down or stop and compltely ripped off the bumper of his fairly new 2008 toyota camry AND JUST KEPT DRIVING! No one stopped to see if he was ok, the two pedestrians that saw the accident happen just kept walking, no one stopped. It totally blows my mind. If you ever drive on this street and sit in the line of traffic that builds try and imagine a car in a drive way just off the road damaged and no one stopping! It's crazy.

Two weeks ago I took a last minute trip to Las Vegas with my boyfriend and a couple of our friends to meet up with some Kiwi's we met while we were in New Zealand in June. It was a spare of the momment trip even though I knew our friends were going that weekend months before I actually decided to it wasn't till 4pm the evening before the my boyfriend and I made the commitment to go (after his car was fixed). That night I packed up and was ready to hit the road early the next morning. I was lucky that my boss didn't mind a last minute time off request. It took us about 6.5 to 7 hours to get there we checked in to our hotel and were ready to play. Our first stop was New York New York to get an Ugly stick at Coyote Ugly. It is a yard of pina colada or whatever flavor you want and it they make them strong. My friends got an extra shot and I think it did them in. Then we went down to O'shea's It's our favorite casino on the strip for gambling and cheap pitchers of beers. It is also my boyfriend's favorite because it is the only casino in vegas that has tables set up to play beer pong. The tables are cheap, it's pretty much the only place that has five dollar black jack tables. You just have to be willing to put up with the loud music and an outdated atmosphere. I have to say I kind of had it with Oshea's that night, the beer pong tables were soo crowded and there is no where to sit and watch while your friends play. The smoke was bad. I'd haev to say that was my biggest complaint while being in vegas, the smoke. I know when you go it's a given that it is going to be smokey but my tolerence for it is not as strong as it use to be. It literally made me sick. Saturday night I had jsut had it, I didn't feel up for anything other then going back and enjoying my room. Luckily my other friends had booked a show so I didn't feel like I was letting them down by not hanging out. I did feel bad that my boyfriend came back with me when he could have been out gambling or playing with his buddies when their show got over but I did tell him repeatedly that he could go and I would be fine. Bless his heart for caring about me. :-)
Anywho... that is all that has been going on lately. Work is getting busy. Our staff size is already multiplying on a weekly basis and it kills my brain to think the festival is just around the corner. It should be another great year though!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

New Apartment

It's been about two weeks since I have moved into my new apartment. The floor plan is great but the place could use a little love. I live in a complex that is actually a bunch of individulally owned condos. I am renting my apartment from the condo owner who I swear hasn't walked inside the place since he purchased it. Obvisouly it isn't that bad other wise I wouldn't be living there but the walls could use a good coat of paint and the appliances (even though they work well) could be updated. Here are a couple of pictures of my new place.
My kitchen with 1970s gold counter tops and appliances. ->

<- View from the living room, looking at the dinning room and kitchen. See the orange and red paint swatches? I am thinking of a bright accent wall. Right now the red is winning.
Living room looking out the patio window->

Saving up for another brown slip cover for the love seat and I am trying to pull the orange, red and gold out of the rug. Not sure what to do about the wood paneling though. :-/

First half of my bedroom, it's a big room and I don't know what to do with it. Right now it is very empty and blah...

Looking out at the window.

So I guess if you have any suggestions I'm open to it. I think in this corner-> I am going to put a chair for reading and lounging.

Here is to new beginnings!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Answer this for me?

Why is a non-profit organization who is currently doing budget cut backs buying employees iphones?!?!

Damn iphones!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Oh you know...another doodle

copyright 2008

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


The office this winter under 7ft of snow.
Brrrr! It was a cold one.
Today is my 1 Yr. Anniversary of working at the Sundance Institute!! It's a pretty uneventful day and I think I am the only one who remembers but it is exciting to me. Last summer I drove up the canyon stopped at starbucks and picked up a hot chocolate, spilled it on myself, and then rushed into the office 5 min. late. Way to go me!! Luckily my boss and the people I work with are very laid back and didn't mind at all. I was shown my desk and sat down through IT training and every other part of NEO (new employee orientation) and started reading my emails. Around 12:30 my boss and the girl I was replacing took me to lunch at the Stew Pot (GOOD!) and we sat there for three hours talking and enjoying a large Coke on their patio. I'd say it was a great first day.

Since then I have been through one festival, managed staff, helped with board screenings, managed our buildings, supplies, and even had time to see a screening or two. Bob has visited the office twice and I have spoken to him on the phone once. Starstruck! :-)

Here is to a new year!! It can only get better and I already had a good start!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Just a picture incase you don't make it through all the text below :-)

New Zealand

A second home perhaps? I think if I were ever forced out of the US for anything or offered a job abroad I would go to New Zealand. I just got back (last Tuesday June 10th) from visiting the Kiwi's. I had an amazing time!

My trip began in Auckland where my friends picked my boyfriend and I up from the airport. First though I should start at the airport leaving Salt Lake City. Just as I was unloading my bags from the car at the airport drop off my boy friend told me he just talked to the other couple coming with us and they said our flight to LA was already delayed a half hour. I didn't think this was a big deal since we had about an hour and fifteen minutes between our connecting flights so we went in and hung out till it was time to leave. When the plane finally boarded at 8:00 we got to our seats and sat there for another fifteen minutes. Cutting it close!! It turns out the captain of our plane was coming late from Chicago and hadn't even landed yet. UGH! I believe we finally took off some time around 8:30pm. We landed in La at 10 and had a half hour to get over to the international terminal. Now if you know LAX at all you know that each terminal is a different building and that you have to go out of security all the way out of the building to the sidewalk where shuttles and cars pick you up and ride over to the other terminal. So when we rushed off the plane and asked the attendant the quickest way to get to Air New Zealand terminal was he gave us directions to go all the way outside hop on shuttle 5 or something and get off on the other side. He said he let Air New Zealand know we were coming and that they were going to try and wait for us. We got outside saw four shuttles (all the wrong one!) drive by and decided we didn't have time. We stopped a nice luggage man on the side walk and asked him again how to get there and he told us to cut through the parking structure and that it was just on the other side. So we ran over to the parking structure figured out how to get out of it and then crossed over into the other terminal. When we got to the ticket counter (we only had our orbitz itinerary) they told us the flight was closed and we couldn't get on. That we missed it because we were supposed to check in no later then 40 min before the flight. Then the gentleman just WALKED AWAY! I was kind of freaking out in shock... standing there going "sooooo what are we suppose to do now?!" went up to one of the other desk attendants and they started to help us but one of them told us to just wait till the guy got back. I guess he was on the phone trying to see if we could make the flight (t-30minutes till the flight takes off). He came back out asked us for our information passports etc. and printed us boarding tickets. THANK YOU GOD!!! Then one of the ladies escorted us through security and told us to run to our gate. It turns out after running through the airport, having a minor heart attack and going through security we got in our seats and had about 10 minutes to spare! Thank you Air New Zealand I love you! What a rush!

The flight from LA to NZ was 13 hours looooong. We arrived at 6:30am only to wait an hour to go through customs and find out our luggage didn't make it. I wasn't really surprised since we barely made the flight but it was still a bummer. So the air line handed us a "overnight kit" with your basics in it, toothbrush, toothpaste, brush, deodorant nail file and a men's XL white t-shirt. Told us to keep our receipts for the next 24 hours and that they would reimburse us $100 for any items we bought until our luggage came. Then we finally met our friends outside security.

Auckland was beautiful! For a metropolitan area it was very clean and even though I felt dirty from not having a change of clothes in 48 hours it was very fresh. That day we took what we had to Alesha's mom's house (our lovely local accommodations). Thanks Chrissy! I took a quick shower (a must!) and put my dirty clothes back on and then we headed out on the town. We first headed to the sky city tower parked and walked down to Queens St. Queens St. is the super touristy area with all the souvenir shops and trendy stores. I had a lot of fun looking around at the different stuff they had, just comparing retail in a new country :-). I stopped at a store I now love called Cotton All Over or something like that and purchased two pairs of under ware and some pajamas. Soo comfortable. That was about it for me. I had faith that our bags would arrive soon. That night Alesha's mom was nice enough to cook us some "lamb on the barbi!" and treat us to some New Zealand food. It was delicious.

The next day at 10am (right as I was waking up) our luggage arrived!! Yay! It came in on the next flight from LA and a courier delivered our bags to where we were staying. Then we headed out for Alesha's family beach house in Matarangi. They call it "the batch." It was a beautiful curvy ride around the coast and up the peninsula . The landscape was breath taking. We spent two nights there then headed out to a town in the middle of the North Island called Rotorua (not sure if thats correct spelling but thats how it sounds!) and went to a cultural experience for the local indigenous people, The Moari. It was pretty cool Polynesian dancing and dinner but it was interesting to see the difference between them and the Hawaii islanders. That night we stayed in Rotorua at a hostel. It was a new experience for me. I have never been in a hostel before but over all it wasn't bad we got our own room since there were six of us all together and it had it's own bathroom including a shower which I guess is amazing.
The next morning we got up bright and early and headed out to go to the Zorb. The Zorb is where you crawl in a giant plastic ball they throw in some water with you and then they push you off to start rolling down a giant hill. I didn't do it because it was very cold but Grant (my boyfriend) did. He said it was awesome. I am sure it was but I couldn't justify getting cold and rolling down a hill once for 45 dollars. Then we stopped at the Polynesian spa which was a bunch of pools heated up by the sulfer pots that were sporadically bubbling up all through the town. It was nice and relaxing but a bit stinky!! After that we headed home, back to Alesha's mom's house to rest up before Jordan and Alesha's wedding on Saturday. We got back and were treated to a Japanese dinner at one of Alesha's mate's house. They were having a little get together in her honor and were nice enough to invite us. It was great to meet all of her high school and college friends.

Friday! The day before the wedding we went bungy jumping off the Auckland Harbor Bridge. AHHHHH! Yes I jumped! Thank you very much. Everyone I have told that couldn't believe I did it. I really can't believe I did it either to tell you the truth it was the biggest rush I have ever had. First we checked in at at little shop at the bottom of the bridge they harnessed us up and sent us on our way walking up to the pod where you jump off in the middle of the bridge. It's under neath it so you can hear the cars rushing by above you and the ships sailing by below you. That part was a bit nerve racking for me they hook you up to the railing so you can't jump off or fall off the walk way. When you get to the top they have seats where they strap in your ankles and a area for your group to wait as you go one at a time. They put you in order of weight, most to least. I was second to last so I got to watch all my friends jump and then it was my turn. after getting the ankle straps on and waddling like a penguin out to the edge of the plat form is the scariest part. I wouldn't let go of the guy who escorted my out there. You had to look up and wave at the camera and the count down started. 5 4 3 2 1 and I jumped! No hesitation but I did start screaming right as I jumped off I didn't wait for the falling part. You'd be surprised how much free fall time you have. I kept going and was like Shit I am still falling! Then WOOSH! I sprang back up and fell again. After bouncing around a couple times I pulled the cord that released my ankles and let me sit up right in my harness. They pulled me back up to the pod and I was done but totally shaking from all the adrenaline. Talk about a life time experience. That was the only activity for the day. When we got back from jumping off I rested a little bit then went to the mall with Alesha and her Bride's maids to get a pedicure. It was a nice change to the constant on the go activities we had been doing.

Saturday was the highlight of the trip, Jordan and Alesha's wedding. The morning was slow, we got to relax take our time getting ready. Around 1 the boys started putting on their suits and doing there hair. I put my dress on and took pictures. At 2 the taxi came and took us to Beauford Gardens where the ceremony and reception were taking place. At 3:15 Alesha's limo pulled up with herself, her mom and her brides maids in it. They got out did a little adjusting and the ceremony started. I have to give them props, Jordan and Alesha wrote their own vows and they were beautiful!! I am not one for crying but the emotion was there you could feel the love they had for each other when they spoke them in front of everyone. It was the highlight of the whole vacation if you can believe it. I am so happy for them and I wish them all the best in the world. After the ceremony was dinner and dancing. The reception was a blast. Us American's showed the Kiwis that we know how to have fun, a.k.a we know how to make fools of our selves.

We spent a couple more days in Auckland after the wedding. We went to the zoo and then just repacked stuff up for the flight home. It was an amazing vacation. Alesha's family made me feel like part of the family and I couldn't be more thankful for their great hospitality. I can't wait to go back!

That was long! Thanks for reading!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Copyright 2008

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Other pictures!

New Camera!

I got a new camera today! I went to Inkley's with my mom to buy film for a super fantastic camera that she has. Sadly no one makes film anymore :-( But walking in the door was a table of camera's on sale. Clearenced for who knows why. So I found an 8.1 mega pixle Sony Cybershot camera on the table for 180.00 which was a pretty decent deal since the new 9-10 mega pixle cameras are running around 250-265ish. So I went up to see how much the camera i liked was, because it didn't have a price on it. That is when i found out it was such a good deal. So i walked around a little thought about it and decided I would buy it. So I bought it and a new memory card, because sony is lame and has special memory cards for there cameras. You can't use general SD memory cards with it. So i get home to play with my camera, the battery is dead which I get because it is new and hasn't been charged yet but I can't figure out how to charge it. So i read the instructions and figure out I am missing the battery charger!! I also realized the guy sold me the wrong memory card and that it wouldn't fit in the camera! I was totally bummed. It's alot of money to spend on something I don't have all the pieces for. So my mom and I drove back down to the store and asked the guy for the missing pieces. The sales man there wasn't the sales man I worked with before but he recognized me from before. Which was nice because he knew I was just in there a few hours earlier. So the guy went to check and see if there was another camera on the sale table with a charger in it and there wasn't. So he said that he would sell me a new camera for the same price. I looked at an 8.1 megapixle Nikon Cool Pix that was actually about the same price as the sale camera. And it turns out the camera was better quality and brand new off the shelf. So I got it and returned everything else for a better product. I love my new camera. It's sweeeeet. So this is one of the pictures I took to test out the camera. the other ones above this are test pictures too!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Caring Neighbors, who knew?

Last night was a bit freaky. My boy friend stayed over late last night after a friends birthday party. He had my apartment keys so he could get in and not wake me up. Soo He got home around 12:30ish was super quite I only heard him open my bedroom door which is saying alot because usually you can hear the front door open and close. Soo I was happy to see him and we got in bed. Around 1:15 am the door bell rang. My initial instinct is that it is a couple of doorbell ditchers and I will just let it be because really who knocks at 1am!? But then I saw lights flashing under my bedroom door and I was scared that someone came in. I didn't hear doors open or anything but the lights were bright and intermittent. So my boy friend and I walk out of my bed room and hear, "Salt Lake Police Department" Instantly I was ?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!? freaked out. They were in the door way staring into my apartment. So I walked over and was like, can I help you with something and they told me that our door was wide open with the lights off for the last hour or so and that the neighbors called the cops to come check it out. So here I was standing in my pj's totally bewildered with a flashlight shinning on my face. Having all these thoughts running through my head about what could have been taken from my place and who walked by when the door was open. I told the police men that the door can pop open some times if it isn't pulled shut properly. I looked at my boy friend and asked him if he closed it all the way when he got home. He didn't know that the door kind of pops out of the latch when you close it. He said he thought he closed it but instantly I knew he didn't double check it. Soo everything was fine. The police men didn't harass us to find out if we really lived in my apartment. Which I am very grateful for. My boy friend felt bad. He was glad nothing happened but was worried about if it could have.

So I am very thankful we have wonderful neighbors, although I am not sure which ones, that called to make sure everything was ok.

The kicker, all the while this is happening, my roommate slept. Didn't hear the door bell, didn't get out of bed. Nothing. Some times being a light sleeper is a blessing and a curse.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Copywrite 2003

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Hello! Hi! Hey!

Welcome to my blog, I guess. Most people I know have blogs about their families but since I am not married and do not have any children right now my family consists of me. YAY ME!

I think a lot of the things I will end up posting on here will be doodles I draw in my spare time or things I have written/ read that I like and would like to share with you. I will also of course post the exciting updates in my life, but only the really good ones. :-) Ok? Deal!

Bare with me for a while I think I have some back logging to do from an old blog I started my freshman year of college and have done over the years since then. But then again I could post it as new and you will never know the difference.
