I have to enlighten you all about the place I work. I don't mean Sundance per say but more the physical location, Silver Star. Nestled up on the slopes in Park City, above the city golf course and down the block from Park City Mountain Resort there is a new development of Condos and office buildings called Silver Star. It is a beautiful place with a rustic feel. Getting to know the owners (my landlords, maintenence men, etc) has been a treat. They are two great guys who have all the best intentions but just haven't figured out how to juggle the construction still going underway, building new condos, a snack shop, ski shop, the bar and maintain the buildings they already have up and running. I have to admit my office is very demanding. I feel bad for how many times I have to call them to figure something out.
Today was one of the best. One of my co-workers came over to the main building in a huff wondering why one of the doors to the white building she works out
of had been boarded up. Usually I give my staff notice when things are going to be happening to the building so this caught her and myself off guard. I said I didn't know the door was being boarded up and that I will come over right away. When I got to the building, sure enough there was a giant peice of ply wood nailed over the door. I had to investigate. Somtimes when it comes to building management and the things Silver Star does make me feel like a detective. I often have to trouble shoot what is going on and why. So I called one of the owners to see if he knew what happened to my door. His first response was that maybe they blocked out the door so no one got hurt when they were cutting down the tree outside but that he would check and get back to me. Then I was visited by the site forman, Jack. A sweet old man who wears a cowboy shaped hard hat around the parking lot. He came in to see what the problem was. After the details I gave him he went over to look at the building and find out what was going on. 5 min later he was back asking if we got any names on who boarded up the building. We didn't have that information so he then informed us what he thought. The door had a 1" gap in it between the door and the door jam so it didn't seal all the way when closed. He said the contractor who made the door came to pick it up to repair it and would bring it back today or tomorrow. So there is the answer. The kicker is when the building owner called me back he said that the contractor took the wrong door, he was suppose to take another one of our doors on an entirely different building. Apparently the instructions "the north door on the Sundance building" were not clear even though we have our name in big red letters above our building door. Classic. This may not seem that funny to you but after working in this environment for a year, and the things that I have experienced just add to the comedy. :-)
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