Enough grumbling....
I have to share with you guys a completely mind blowing story. Two weeks ago my boy friend was turning right into an apartment complex just off 1300 east near 2100 south, which is a very busy road, when the pers
on behind him didn't slow down or stop and compltely ripped off the bumper of his fairly new 2008 toyota camry AND JUST KEPT DRIVING! No one stopped to see if he was ok, the two pedestrians that saw the accident happen just kept walking, no one stopped. It totally blows my mind. If you ever drive on this street and sit in the line of traffic that builds try and imagine a car in a drive way just off the road damaged and no one stopping! It's crazy.

Two weeks ago I took a last minute trip to Las Vegas with my boyfriend and a couple of our friends to meet up with some Kiwi's we met while we were in New Zealand in June.
It was a spare of the momment trip even though I knew our friends were going that weekend months before I actually decided to it wasn't till 4pm the evening before the my boyfriend and I made the commitment to go (after his car was fixed). That night I packed up and was ready to hit the road early the next morning. I was lucky that my boss didn't mind a last minute time off request. It took us about 6.5 to 7 hours to get there we checked in to our hotel and were ready to play. Our first stop was New York New York to get an Ugly stick at Coyote Ugly. It is a yard of pina colada or whatever flavor you want and it they make them strong. My f
riends got an extra shot and I think it did them in. Then we went down to O'shea's It's our favorite casino on the strip for gambling and cheap pitchers of beers. It is also my boyfriend's favorite because it is the only casino in vegas that has tables set up to play beer pong. The tables are cheap, it's pretty much the only place that has five dollar black jack tables. You just have to be willing to put up with the loud music and an outdated atmosphere. I have to say I kind of had it with Oshea's that night, the beer pong tables were soo crowded and there is no where to sit and watch while your friends play. The smoke was bad. I'd haev to say that was my biggest complaint while being in vegas, the smoke. I know when you go it's a given that it is going to be smokey but my tolerence for it is not as strong as it use to be. It literally made me sick. Saturday night I had jsut had it, I didn't feel up for anything other then going back and enjoying my room. Luckily my other friends had booked a show so I didn't feel like I was letting them down by not hanging out. I did feel bad that my boyfriend came back with me when he could have been out gambling or playing with his buddies when their show got over but I did tell him repeatedly that he could go and I would be fine. Bless his heart for caring about me. :-)

Anywho... that is all that has been going on lately. Work is getting busy. Our staff size is already multiplying on a weekly basis and it kills my brain to think the festival is just around the corner. It should be another great year though!
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