How does a person who wears their heart on their sleeve not take things personally?
I know part of growing up is learning to deal with confrontational situations and move on but how do you know when its ok to let go and when it is time to press the issue. I know this is an on going lesson that will follow me through out my whole life but can I just say that I personally don't like it. Who does? I guess.
Work has been a transition the last couple months. My boss who hired me left and I have started working with my new boss who is great so far... It is just turning out to be a bigger transition then I thought it would. Not because of anyone person in paticular but because of a whole bunch of little things here and there. Responsibilities have shifted and the strong relationship I use to have with my old boss, the confidence she gave me, is gone. I feel kind of like I am starting from scratch but with the disadvantage of knowing what I use to do and adapting to the difference. I guess the knoweledge of jobs I have tackled in the past is an asset but when the same job comes up again and it is taken away from me I get a little sad and wonder why I am not the one doing it anymore. I know I should ask why the task isn't mine, or maybe enjoy the fact that people are trying to help and use my time for other productive things but it still makes me grumble a little. grumble grumble.
I also realized in this transition that I am not so good at being an authoritative figure. I crumble and speaking in confrontational issues is a major weakness of mine. I try to think of the best way to say something and my mind just stops... I take a breath and try and think through it and I still end up either confusing people or making it worse. GO ME! Lucky for me I have great support from a few friends at work and some very understanding co-workers. They have been helpful but I still feel sort of like I don't have an answer or am still sorting out how to best fix the confrontations that arrise.
Actually I would simply be happy with being able to deliver a clear conversation during confrontation not even necessarily a way to fix it immediately.
I don't know if any of that makes sense. I am sorry if it doesn't but I have always found I feel better about things when I write about it. So that was me writing about it. Yay for the end of the work day!!