Tuesday, November 25, 2008

In Peace

I am never sure how to start posts. Some come more easily then others. This one is going to be especially hard... This morning on my way to work my mom called me to let me know my Grandmother passed away this morning. I can't say it was a surpise, she warned me this weekend that the nurses at my grandmothers nursing home told the family to start making preperations but I didn't think it would happen that quickly. My grandmother, is my dad's mother. She is an amazing mother of 10 children. Only lord knows how she pulled that off. I can't imagine trying to manage more then one child let alone 10! Unfortunately most of my life I have not had the pleasure of really getting to know her. When I was around 10 years old my grandma developed dementia and was never really sure of who my dad was let alone who I was. It was really sad to see but we would sit with her and make her smile. I have to admit, that even through these last few years she scared me a little, not knowing who I was. I wasn't sure how to interact with her. Of course I never stopped loving her, she is family. I think what has always touched me the most is to see how my dad and his brothers and sisters cared for her so much. The hardest part about this is not going to be loosing my grandma, because I beleive she is much happier now but seeing my dad is what is going to break my heart. Just thinking about it makes me want to cry. So I am sitting at work taking one deep breath at a time trying to hold it together. Rest in peace Grandma Adele. I love you!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Supporting the Cause

Warning: Political Garb. Read at your own risk.

The post election frenzy is here. The most influential result on my life so far other then Barak Obama becoming president elect has been Proposition 8. The sadness I felt when I saw that it passed out weighed any excitement I felt for Obama winning his election. I am not sure what the next steps are to fight the winning vote. I know a lot of movements are underfoot. Rallies and protests are popping up all over the country. Recently last Thursday one was held in my city. I didn't go because I had prior obligations but I heard it was just amazing from the friends that did get a chance to go. For the time that my friend was there he said the protest was peaceful and very meaningful. It is great to see the support for diversity here in a state so often overlooked and generalized by the historical majority. I believe in the freedom of speech and that everyone is entitled to their own opinions but more importantly I believe in basic human rights. Last Thursdays rally was a perfect example of US citizens using the gifts and privileges this country has given us. It also was a great tool in helping us continue to developing our rights. It still blows my mind every time something like this comes up that it has taken our country so long to be accepting of everyone in it. Freedom and equality for all? The foundation our country was built on still seems to be a work in progress, but I think it is an excellent goal to work towards. I think we need more peaceful protests and support for people trying to make a difference.

It does sadden me though when people with good intentions grasp at straws to try and get something accomplished. Instead of infiltrating and educating my state people want to boycott it and economically hurt those involved with campaigning for Prop 8. While the tactic makes sense from a general view it over looks all the good things that are currently in the works to try and expand people's minds. In fact it hurts them. Don't boycott Utah. Educate Utah.

Thanks for reading my half educated ramblings. :-)