Maybe more? Has it really been that long? I guess so. It has been a very busy year for me. I should jump back and catch you up. Grant and I did move in together we found a cute little (and I mean little) place in the Avenues. Moving was an adventure to say the least. A week before I moved out of my one bedroom place Grant injured his foot playing soccer. The ligament that holds your toes together in your foot tore and we thought he was going to have to have surgery, put screws to hold his bones in place a whole bunch of yuckiness... Thankfully after an MRI we found out it was only a partial tare and that all he needed was a cast for 5 weeks. I was very happy it wasn't a more extensive injury. So when it came time to move I packed myself up and my parents came down to help me move. We did pretty good loading up the cars and trucks that we borrowed from friends, took a load over to the apartment and went back for a second load my dad helped me carry down my mattress to the truck we threw it in the back and I went to secure it with a 3 foot fat bungee cord I have used in past moving experiences, only this time it was old and frayed and I had one second thought and dismissed it and stretched it across my mattress and felt the cord snapped and POW! the end of it (luckily rubber and not metal) flew back and hit me in the face. The hook at the end I was pulling away from broke off the loop in the truck bed and all the momentum with hit me just on the far outside corner of my right eye.
I instantly grabbed my eye and put pressure on it I couldn't tell if it was bleeding or not. My dad rushed over to me, I felt fine and I could blink my eye and every thing felt ok... we went up to the bathroom took a look at it and that is when the blood started. Such a pretty sight. My mom took me to insta-care and my dad continued to move me... When I first got to the insta-care the nurses told me I should go to an emergency room and ask for a plastic surgeon...they told me to take a minute and think about it and then the Dr. walked in. He was so upset with the nursing staff for telling me that. I heard him scold them through the door. He said he was more the capable of putting stitches on my eye and that he would do just as good of a job as a plastic surgeon in an emergency room but that it was up to me. So I looked at my mom and said lets just do it. I don't want to go to an emergency room and have to wait 4 hours to be seen by a doctor that might to the same job.

My eye has since healed very well you can see the scar but It's my Harry Potter scar so I don't mind sporting it. It doesn't bother me to see it. It's a good story I will tell whom ever will listen. DON'T USE BUNGY CORDS to tie things down! I highly recommend rope or ratchet straps.
What else, oh, I applied for a new position at work over the summer. Well actually I was approached by the manager of the creative services department (marketing and brand design) and she asked me why I hadn't applied for the Marketing coordinator position? The position is a lot of project management and I currently do a lot of that in my current job. I was kind of surprised. I didn't think I had the experience needed for that position but I thought hey its a change and it gets back skill and my interest I got from working at Axiom and plays more with the creative side of things. So I submitted my resume. I had two interviews both with very short notice. It was exciting thinking I had a good change since the hiring manager approached me about it. After the second interview the Director of the Human Resources department called me into her office and asked me what my goals are and what direction I see myself taking in the future. I told her I just want to learn and grow and be an asset to the company and that I see the Marketing position as a step in a new direction to broaden my skills. She said that is great and she wondered if I had any interest growing in my current department if the opportunity presented itself. I said yes, I love working for my current boss (not to be confused with my supervisor) and that if the opportunity came up that would be great too. So she told me that she couldn't give me a lot of details because she was only in conversation but that she and Jill (my boss) were discussing a possible department restructure that could be a possibility for growth and advancement in my department. So I kind of didn't know what to do with that.. I felt like she was asking me to choose between the marketing position and a possible (but can't tell you much) promotion. So I didn't really say much more then what I initially told her. I wanted to see if I would get the marketing position. Turns out that it came down to me and one other girl and they chose the other girl. I was ok with it because I thought hey I might have a possible promotion coming up and this job wasn't something I had really thought about until I was approached about it soooo. I moved on and waited to see what would happen. Nothing happened. The most I got was a whole lot of worked dumped on me. Not in a bad way like I was being punished but in a good way like, you are looking for more to do, do you want to take on the festival logistics for our board of trustees kind of work? I said yes I was up to the challenge and had a couple weeks to meet with the executive assistant to the executive director to learn everything before she went on maternity leave. It was a lot to take in. I was going to have to help the big ups, the people we all report to, the Bobs of the organization with their ticket selection for the festival. I had many late nights at work, cried my first festival cry, misplaced my keys, lost my memory on silly daily tasks and despite these things made it through alive. I know it sounds like an exaggeration but working the festival takes a lot out of you. It's a ten day festival where I work 12-14 hour days straight with no break and the months or two leading up to it, you have Christmas, new years, family obligations and lots of late nights and early mornings at work to plan it. So this festival, I coordinated the logistics for the board of trustees, was a venue manager, managed the festival reception department, and was the gopher for whomever needed me whenever they needed me. I did get lodging this year. Last year with budget cuts I didn't and I had to drive up everyday. This year in December, when the operations director realized I had taken on a lot more then in previous years she decided I really needed lodging and that it was unacceptable for me not to have it. It was just kind of funny because she was the one who cut me in the first place and then when I told her I didn't have it she acted surprised.
The festival went better then it ever has before. The films were good. the staff were great and all the feed back we had from festival goers was very positive. It's crazy to sum up all that work in a couple sentences. It doesn't really do it justice. Maybe more detail another time.
Still having Fun!
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